WLABs Inclusive Cities Logo




As the world continues to urbanize, inclusive cities are needed more than ever in order to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for everyone.

Focusing on inclusive cities means that policies and services are designed with the needs of all citizens in mind, with a focus on affordable housing, equitable access to public services, quality education and healthcare, or providing equal opportunities for mobility. Creating an inclusive city also means addressing issues such as income inequality and lack of job opportunities. It involves creating equal opportunities for everyone regardless of gender, race or religion.

By focusing on creating inclusive cities, we can create a more just society where everyone can live with dignity and have access to the same resources they need in order to thrive.

This is the reason we organised the WLAB’s Inclusive Cities Summit and subsequent White Paper based on our learnings.

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Inclusive Cities White Paper 2023

The WLAB’s Inclusive Cities White Paper covers:

Why we need to care

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Just and inclusive cities put people first, and put equity and social justice at the center of policy and design.

If cities are not inclusive and built for and by everyone, they will simply fail to thrive.

Here are some alarming statistics that help us understand the urgency of addressing these:

  • Today, more than 50% of the world’s population lives in cities, and this proportion will continue to rise to 70% by 2050.

  • Climate change and pollution lower productivity. It is found that the world economy can lose up to 18% of GDP from climate change.

  • Cities account for around 80% of the GDP generated worldwide. Urbanisation, done thoughtfully, has the potential to eradicate poverty and enhance economic growth.

  • In 2020, the median hourly wage of women with post-secondary education is 15% less than their men counterparts.

  • In 2021, women only represented 14.3% of board members within the Hang Seng Index (HSI) Boards in Hong Kong.

  • In a study, 61.2% of employers have never heard about family status discrimination few possess good knowledge of the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO), which was legislated in Hong Kong in 1997.
  • Want to get involved? Get in touch!

    Belinda Esterhammer

    Managing Director The DO Asia

    We will be in touch shortly

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    Inclusive Cities White Paper 2023