Is this the hottest or coldest summer of our lives?

Is this the hottest or coldest summer of our lives + Resources - The DO Asia

You have probably seen so much about the recent heat waves happening all over the world. While this might be the hottest summer yet, this could also be the coldest summer of the rest of your life.  Let that sink in.  Not only are heat waves raging, but also forests are burning, ice sheets are … Read more

3 Key Learnings from JC InnoPower Forum

In these turbulent times, the issues social workers face are ever-changing and increasingly complex. Social workers need to reskill and upskill themselves to meet these challenges. The post-pandemic era is a catalyst for transformation. Because of this, the “JC InnoPower Forum 2022: An Innovative Post-Pandemic Transformation” was held to crystallise all the learnings in these … Read more

5 Key Takeaways from the ‘ESG: How to Get Started’ Webinar

ESG is a hot topic and part of many discussions across many industries. But what are the actions that follow these discussions? We had the pleasure to talk to incredible experts, Francesco Stadler, Keilem Ng, and Victoria Shapovalova, about how to get started on ESG. 1. It is never too late to start on the … Read more

IWD 2022: ASIA EMPOWERED #breakthebias

IWD2022 Asia Empowered #breakthebias

8th March marks International Women’s Day and while we believe that every day should celebrate the achievements of women and promote gender equality, we still have a long road ahead. We are highlighting some brilliant female change-makers that are all about this year’s theme #breakthebias   A shout out to their strong commitment to make the … Read more

Book Recommendations: Belinda’s January Picks

The DO Book Recommendations January

The new year is here and so are resolutions. Raise your hand if reading more books is one of them!  This month I want to introduce my 2 reads on purpose and smart, sustainable cities. 1 – Confessions of a radical industrialist How could one of the world’s largest commercial carpet companies make it happen? … Read more

Sustainability and social psychology – Part II

Sustainability and Social Psychology Part 2

We are looking at the relationship between social psychology and sustainable behaviors in this two-part series. Together, we will explore four proven ways to encourage more environmentally conscious behaviors. We took a look at social norms last time. Let’s discover four other strategies to make our future more sustainable today. 1 – Keeping track of … Read more

Sustainability and social psychology – Part I

Sustainability and social psychology

“Think twice before you print this email. Save trees.” “Wash before recycling.” You might have heard of these catchy slogans before, but have you ever followed through? From a social psychology angle, these slogans might not be so useful in changing behaviors. In this two-part series, we will explore five proven ways to encourage more … Read more

4 ESG reporting best practices

ESG Best Practices

Today, we will explore some best practices in ESG. Want a refresher on ESG? Check out our TIL (Today I Learned) article on ESG.  With ESG reporting becoming more regulated and picking up more attention among stakeholders, it is important to know what the “best” reporting practices are. Since the field of ESG is blooming, … Read more

Greenwashing: how can companies do better?

Greenwashing - how can companies do better

Following our previous article on the introduction of greenwashing, we are bringing some actionable tips for your company on how to avoid greenwashing and how to make accurate green claims. It is important to curtail greenwashing because it can derail our efforts into meeting SDGs and carbon emission targets. Notice and avoid the sins of … Read more

TIL (Today I Learned) about Greenwashing

Today I Learned Greenwashing

What is greenwashing? Coined by environmentalist Jay Westerveld, greenwashing refers to the practice of 1) falsely or deceptively advertising an organization’s environmental efforts, 2) spending more resources to promote how green an organization is than were invested in actual environmental efforts, and/or 3) relying on tokenistic actions. Greenwashing is essentially a deceptive strategy to make … Read more

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