Leadership in the 21st century

Leadership in the 21st century - The DO Asia

Leadership in the 21st Century has evolved drastically since the days of top-down, authoritative leadership. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, it is essential for leaders in the 21st century to possess a unique combination of key skills and qualities to successfully lead and guide their teams. 1. Have an agile and flexible mindset The … Read more

Why is economic inclusion important?

What is economic inclusion? Economic inclusion means more equi­table dis­tri­b­u­tion of income, wealth, jobs and economic opportunities for a city’s residents, including the underserved and vulnerable populations. No one is left behind in the economy. Society recognises that everyone, including the low-income, communities of colour, differently-abled, and more, are talents. Economic inclusion means we all … Read more

Why is cultural inclusion important?

What is cultural inclusion? A culturally inclusive city embraces diversity in culture, languages, religions, and different ways of self and community expression. Citizens enjoy an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. There are opportunities for citizens to explore cultures and beliefs beyond their own. There is respect, understanding, and acceptance in all kinds of cultures.   … Read more

Why is social inclusion important?

What is social inclusion? Social inclusion is a way of improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of the underrepresented groups, thereby ensuring they can participate in social, economic, and political life fully.  Being socially inclusive means equality between people of different genders, races, nationalities, ability levels, income levels, occupations, faiths, sexual orientations, and ages.  How … Read more

Why is sustainability important?

WICS Sustainable Inclusion

What are some definitions of sustainability? When asked to define sustainability, a common definition is “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development. However, note that sustainable development is not the … Read more

Why is spatial inclusion important?

To make sure that cities support the wellbeing of stakeholders from all walks of life, it is essential to promote and implement the idea of inclusive cities. An inclusive city can create opportunities to improve the quality of life of citizens, encourage equality, and generate sustainable economic growth. What is spatial inclusion? Spatial inclusion is … Read more

5 Themes of WLAB’s Inclusive Cities Summit 2022

WLAB’s Inclusive Cities Summit 2022 connects 5 key topics: Sustainability, spatial inclusion, social inclusion, economic inclusion, and cultural inclusion. 1. Sustainability An inclusive city incorporates all aspects of sustainability within it, including “social”, “environmental”, and “economic”. Looking at the UN SDGs, we will specifically dive into achieving “Goal 12:  Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” … Read more

4 (additional) Pressing Challenges Cities Are Currently Facing – Part II

A lot of factors put pressure on the property sector. Aside from climate change, these are 4 other pain points in the industry.  1. Ageing population and ageing buildings Not only is the population ageing in Hong Kong, but buildings too. Taken together, it presents another unique challenge. Old buildings usually only have stairs, presenting … Read more

5 Key Takeaways from ‘Breathing Under Fire: Optimise Your Leadership Skills’

5 key takeaways from our talk with Dr. Belisa Vranich

We had a unique conversation on managing anxiety and panic, regulating adrenaline, improving endurance and conditioning, and effectively fighting fatigue. Being a modern leader in the last 3 years comes with higher expectations and harsher conditions: it is no longer just about being strong and motivating teams. Breathing under fire is about the ability to … Read more

5 Challenges Climate Change Has Posed To Properties – Part I

The world is now experiencing symptoms of climate change. Climate change affects every facet of our lives, and properties are no exception. The following are 5 challenges climate change has posed to properties.  1. Energy efficiency Buildings account for a whopping 90% of electricity usage in Hong Kong. Now, electricity generation in Hong Kong still … Read more

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Inclusive Cities White Paper 2023